Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can. ~ John Wesley

Marvin Cameron
Senior Pastor
(423) 247-4122 Ext. 229
Penny is a teacher at Ross N. Robinson Middle School where she teaches theater.
Chris is an attorney in Kingsport. Tyler is a graduate student at Lincoln Memorial University.
In the summer of 2001 I received a phone call asking if I would meet with the Pastor Search Committee from FBC. That began a series of events that culminated in our call to FBC later that summer. My rule of thumb about a church is simple: “Would I attend that church if I were not on staff?” The answer for FBC KPT is a resounding “Yes!” This is a fellowship that lives out our commitment to “Love God and Love people.”
My story:
With the exception of 7 years, my entire life has been lived in Tennessee. The vast majority of that time has been spent in East Tennessee. This is “home” in every sense of the word.
As a youngster here in East Tennessee I learned to love Jesus in a Christian home. From my earliest days I heard Bible stories and was blessed to be taught by loving parents. My conversion came naturally as an outgrowth of that blessing.
My calling to ministry was a gradual one. I was on a youth mission trip to New York City when I first felt the tug of God’s call. Over a number of years I felt the Spirit leading me to the pastorate. That calling has been affirmed every time I am blessed to serve alongside our community of believers.
I hope you will learn more about us through these pages and that you will join us in worship or ministry soon. Who knows, God may be calling you “home” to FBC KPT!